MCBA Royalty Rate Structure

MCBA royalty rates for VVC + HEVC Products are the same as the VVC Advance Patent Pool royalty rates (i.e., the rates for VVC-Only Products, which you can find here.)

  • Note, the MCBA rates apply only to Licensees “In-Compliance.” Licensees not In-Compliance must pay the applicable rates under the VVC Advance Patent Portfolio License(“PPL”) and the HEVC Advance PPL.
  • MCBA Category and Enterprise caps are 25% greater than the VVC Advance Patent Pool caps (e.g., a $15MM increase over the VVC Advance Patent Pool Enterprise cap of $60MM).
  • With an incentive for Licensees joining on or before June 30, 2022, the MCBA Category and Enterprise caps would be discounted for the Initial Term and the First Renewal Term to the VVC Advance Patent Pool Category and Enterprise cap (i.e., $60MM for the Initial Term and $60MM plus any increase for the First Renewal Term).

MCBA Royalty Rates Summary

Region 1 and Region 2 Country/Territory Listing

Region 1 List:

Region 2 List:

Includes any Country/Territory not listed above for Region 1