VVC Advance Patent Pool: General Pool Terms
Additional Pool Details
Our VVC Program includes a license to Version 1 of ISO/IEC 23090-3 MPEG-I Part 3 and ITU-T Recommendation H.266, including Optional Features(1) (“VVC Standard”).
The VVC Program also includes Version 1 of ISO/IEC 23002-7 MPEG-C Part 7 and ITU-T Recommendation H.274 (“VSEI Standard”).
Other VVC profiles, extensions, and versions thereof, and new standards separated therefrom (e.g., SEI messaging), as are adopted by the applicable standards setting organizations, may be added in the future upon written notice of Access Advance.
Detailed information regarding What and Whom we license can be found here.

(1) Access Advance licenses “Essential Patents on Optional Features” which means any patent claim covering a feature described in the VVC Standard that is not required to be implemented in a VVC Product, but which, if the feature is implemented, must be implemented within the scope of the VVC Standard and which implementation would necessarily or unavoidably infringe such patent claim.

How Are Patents Evaluated?
Access Advance has retained the law firms of Mintz, Levin, Cohn, Ferris, Glovsky and Popeo, P.C. and Wold, Greenfield and Sacks, P.C. as independent Patent Evaluators to provide global essentiality determinations.
These independent Patent Evaluators have engaged multiple patent law firms around the world to draw upon their country-specific expertise as needed.
Term of License
- Licenses are offered in five (5) year non-terminable increments ending December 31, 2025, and every 5 years thereafter, until all Licensors’ essential patents have expired.
- For each license, the initial 5-year non-terminable term is automatically renewed for an additional non-terminable 5-year term, unless terminated by Licensee in the event there is a change to the license which has a material adverse impact on Licensee (other than a permitted rate increase).
- For example, Licensees that executed the license after Dec. 31, 2020 would be automatically renewed on Dec. 31, 2025 through Dec. 31, 2030, unless terminated as noted above.
Patent Marking and Trademark Discount
Patent marking is required for Consumer VVC Products and VVC Content on Digital Media Storage. A reference to the public patent list published on our website is allowed (in accordance with applicable legal requirements).

Option to include the VVC Advance Logo on all Licensed Products or their physical device packaging in return for a 10% discount that is included in the published device royalty rates for “In-Compliance with Trademark”. Logo usage guidelines can be found in the Resources section of the main VVC Advance page on our website. For detailed information regarding the VVC Advance Patent Pool Royalty Rate Structure, click here.